Working with the Law ... for Turning Your Wishlist Into Reality
PolePosition Diamant

Eine einzigartige Gelegenheit zum besseren Verstehen der universellen Gesetze bieten die Audio-Aufnahmen Working with the Law von Proctor Gallagher (PG), einem Unternehmen im US-Bundesstaat Arizona.


Erschaffe das Leben, das du wirklich willst, indem du die Gesetze des Universums verstehst und anwendest. Wie die Schwerkraft sind diese Gesetze in deinem Leben immer am Werk und diktieren die Ergebnisse, die du jeden Tag bekommst.

Working with the Law wurde von Bob Proctor und Mary Morrissey, zwei führenden Persönlichkeiten im Bereich der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, konzipiert. Dieses eingehende Programm untersucht die universellen Gesetze, die die Ergebnisse bestimmen, die wir im Leben erhalten.

Neben der Erklärung des Gesetzes der Anziehung untersucht dieses Programm jedes der anderen ebenso wichtigen Gesetze, die unser tägliches Leben regeln. Bob bezeichnet diese Gesetze oft als vergessen, weil sie der modernen Welt nicht sehr bekannt sind. Obwohl es sie seit Anbeginn der Zeit gibt.


Stell dir vor, du beseitigst die Verwirrung und die anstrengende Arbeit des "Versuchens" erfolgreich zu sein, und erzielst stattdessen in kurzer Zeit große Erfolge. Wie du schnell feststellen wirst, ist das Leben, das du willst, viel einfacher zu erreichen, wenn du mit den elf Gesetzen übereinstimmst, die du in Working with the Law kennenlernen wirst.

Auf den Punkt gebracht

Energie findet einen physischen Niederschlag. Das Bild, das du vor deinem geistigen Auge hast, führt oft zu materiellen Resultaten in deinem Leben.

Nichts ist gut oder schlecht, groß oder klein ... bis ein Vergleich angestellt wird.

Alles vibriert, nichts ruht. Die bewusste Wahrnehmung von Vibration wird als Gefühl bezeichnet. Deine Gedanken kontrollieren deine Paradigmen und deine Vibrationen.

Alles hat einen Gegenpart: heiß und kalt... oben und unten... gut und schlecht.

Auf Ebbe folgt Flut... auf den Tag folgt die Nacht.

Es spielt keine Rolle, was du ins Universum ausstrahlst, du wirst immer eine Antwort zurückerhalten. Aktion und Reaktion sind gleicher Natur bei umgekehrtem Vorzeichen.

Jeder Samen hat eine Keimzeit oder Inkubationszeit. Ideen sind spirituelle Samen, die Formen annehmen oder physische Resultate hervorbringen.


Working with the Law ist eine Serie von Audiolektionen, die du einfach vom PGI Campus streamen oder auf deinen Computer oder dein mobiles Gerät herunterladen und so jederzeit auf die Lektionen zugreifen kannst, die für dich passend sind.

Das Programm umfasst zwölf Audios in voller Länge und ein 142-seitiges digitaldruckfertiges Working With the Law Arbeitsbuch.

Working with the Law ist auf Englisch verfügbar.

Einblick ins Programm

We may realize from this lesson that we have the capacity, for we can think, and in our thinking, create desires and ideas. We have the equipment; it comprises the ideas and thought-seeds that we plant in the soil of the mind. We have the power, for the Universal power of mind is endowed within each and every one of us. All that we may ever desire to have and to be is ours for the asking as we correctly apply the Law of Life, the Law of Mind. When a circumstance arises we are not to come under it, to submit to it in servitude, but we are to surmount it, to overcome and master it, by exercising the creative law of thinking, and thus grow in wisdom and power. For, as Dr. John Murray so often said, "We are according to our system of ideas."

If we have any problems, it is because we are not controlling our ideas. Nature has no problems because she is orderly and disciplined. Self-control consists of an organized thought direction; that is, we start out with a well defined aim or objective, think toward it continuously, not just for thirty minutes, plan our time and work so that we are working steadily toward the goal. We fill our day so full of constructive duties that there is no room for idle chatter or waste of any kind to enter in. This development will enable us to move steadily upward toward success. When all things are in harmony and order, problems will cease to be perplexities, and mysteries will cease to me mysterious. Knowledge and understanding will supplant fear and ignorance, and that which was invisible will become visible, that which was unknown will become known. Life with its cirumstances is no longer an enigma, but a clear interpretation of the Law of Thinking. We are what we are according to our state of thinking.

We attract only what we think or create.

In truth, man embodies every Law of Nature relating to his highest welfare and orderly growth. He is not, therefore, separated from any good thing he may need to enhance his happiness or further his progress. But whether he shall lack or possess that which he needs or requires will be largely determined by the use he makes of his present endowment of intelligence and power. The more man grows in true knowledge and the more he uses his powers in constructive ways, the more good he will create in the circle of his expression, in his own little world.

When we charge our thoughts so firmly with the idea that there are no failures, the we expect success. Our mind becomes strengthened with our conviction and, like a magnet, draws to us through the principle upheld whatever desire is uppermost at the time. To desire is to expect, and to expect is to achieve.

Whatever you desire in the way of health, success, happiness, riches, or power, start toward it, start it on its way by this procedure. The Law works. The results are sure because a natural principle is involved; you may proceed without doubt or fear to desire and to expect all the good you can realize, use, and enjoy. When the mind of man becomes unselfish to the point of yielding to the Law, man has been born anew; for his attitude toward the Law, himself, and his fellowmen has changed, and his affairs take on the character of his newness of thought.

You haven't much to begin with, you say? Well, neither did Jesus when he had some five thousand hungry souls to feed. He had only five loaves and a few fish, yet he did something with them. He started action by praising the little at hand and the passed it about. You know the story, and the Master said that what he did we could do, there are no exceptions with the Law. How can it be done? When you learn to take what your have and build upon it, not with scorn and condemnation, but with praise and gratitude, you are working the Law and the Law will give the Increase.

What is life giving you today? Health, happiness, and abundance or sickness, misery, and lack? Whatever it is, it is your own. It belongs to no one else but you. You make your investments and you are daily enjoying the profits and losses. If you are dissatiesfied with your investment, it may be wise for you to note what you invested. Only your own can come to you, and be sure that all that is yours will become manifest. It is your responsibility; no other person may share it. Your own and all of your own will come to you.

When perplexed, remember the little stream of water and how determined it is to reach the mighty ocean. Be that determined to reach and realize all the good that is awaiting you. Why delay its benefits by putting obstacles into your stream of prosperity? Let us come over the path of non-resistance. Every worried thought, every fear, doubt, complaint, argument, and angry thought are but so many boulders, large and small, that you cast into your stream. The tend to change your course and to lengthen the time for your goal to be reached. Unite your forces for good with the good that is seeking you. Remove and dissolve every obstacle by blessing it and being willing to understand it. Mark it no longer a stumbling block, but a stepping stone, leading to your highest good.

As we ponder over this whole thought, we may wonder if the Master was looking forward to the essential part forgiveness must play in the order of the world events of today. The Truth runs deep into everyday life. When we recall the rivalries that prevail in almost every shop and office, when we see the jealousies that divide the neighborhood, when we observe and feel the envies both scholastic and professional, when we have strife and discord in our own homes, we see the solemn, though simple teachings of forgiveness strike deeply into your life and mine. If we cannot forgive, we may know we have a small soul untouched by the teachings of the Master. These are our daily tests, for it is in the school of forgiveness that he lessons of life are learned.

William Scott kept his promise. He had learned the secret that Mr. Lincoln's mother hat taught him when a boy. It was this Law of Sacrifice, and that the beginning of such wisdom was first the desire and love of discipline; that it was the strait and narrow way that led to the high road of everything that makes life worth living. It was the road that led Mr. Lincoln to the White House. It was the road that leads back to the Vermont hills, to home, to happiness, and to mother. It is the road for all who persevere and find it. It is the road that Jesus followed to triumph and mastery. It is the road I recommend to you, for on it you will find the Law of Sacrifice ever working to bring to you the joys and the pleasures that result always from the wisdom and understanding that accompany it.

All that is required of us is to learn obedience to the Law of Truth and not to obey the petty things that arise steadily as we allow our visions to be disturbed and harassed. Blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it. "Obey my voice and I will be your God and ye shall be my people." When we obey the voice (Law), then we understand with the Master the statement, "All that is mine is thine." This is the Law acting through us. As we obey the Law, we humble our personal self to the Divine self within us. We refuse to accept the outer appearances of things as being final and true but we turn within and seek that which is real and true as God, the Law, intended it to be.

Success, then, summarized, is the way we learn to use two valuable things - our time and thought. Knowledge alone is not success; it is the way we use that knowledge. It is important always to remember that back of all our toil and struggle, under the dust and smoke of things, there are the arms of the Father guiding, guarding and supporting us. Whatever you lack, He has; whatever you need, He can supply; whatever obstacle you encounter, God, within you and about you, can overcome it. "So near to man," wrote Emerson, "when duty whispers low, 'thou must' the youth replies, 'I can'."

Dein Return on Investment

  • Burn-Out-Prävention
  • Optimale Work-Life-Balance
  • Nachhaltige Steigerung der Arbeitgeberattraktivität

Ausgezeichnet für

  • Unternehmer:innen
  • und all jene, die sich Selbstständig machen und ihr Leben verbessern wollen
  • sowie all jene, die über die Anwendung der universellen Gesetze erfahren möchten

PolePosition Diamant

12 Monate Elite Mentoring-Programm

  • Kraftvolles Mindset-Mentoring

  • Kommunikation als Schlüssel zur Unternehmenskultur

  • Nachhaltige Personal- und Organisationsentwicklungsstrategien

  • Rhetorikoptimierung für Führungskräfte

  • Real-World-Anwendung für dauerhaften Erfolg

  • Wöchentliche Dosis Leadership

  • Support 24/7

  • Thinking Into Results – 12 Lektionen

  • The New Lead the Field – 12 Lektionen

  • Working with the Law – 12 Lektionen

  • PolePosition-Mastermind-Gruppe

  • PolePosition-Alumni-Club


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